Friday, May 27, 2016

BOOK REVIEW- The Secret – “Monotonous, Overhyped”

It is said that you should never have high expectation about anything. We are human beings, not programmed machines, and hence forget this very logic many a time. Resulting in a broken expectation and a dull day.  
That exactly was my condition after reading “The Secret.”

Stop reading this blog post at this point, if you intend to read the book. I am going to reveal the “secret” from “The Secret.”

As you have decided to continue reading, here you go.

 Do you want to become famous?
Think, feel, of becoming famous. You feel it as if you already have become famous. Act as though everyone around and media (both national and international) is speaking about you. Feel it. Believe it. Realize it. 


You have become famous. The “law of attraction” will make you famous.

Do you want to become a millionaire?

Think, feel, of becoming rich. You feel it as if you already have billions of money in our bank account. Feel it. Believe it. Realize it.


You have become famous. The “law of attraction” will make you rich.

Do you want to achieve something?

Think, feel, of becoming achieving that particular thing. Feel it. Believe it. Realize it.


You have achieved that unachievable thing. The “law of attraction” will make achieve it.

This is what is said in the 198 page long book. One thing, “the law of attraction” is repeated in every other sentence. As though you sit dreaming about it and everything will happen by itself.

I am neither saying the theory is wrong, nor apprehensive about the power of subconscious mind. On the other hand, I am a firm believer of the power this universe possesses. Of course, it can “make” things happen. 

I am of the opinion that “if we don’t know or believe about a thing, doesn’t mean that the particular things does not exist. But we have not yet developed the apparatus to identify or prove the existence/ non-existence of that particular thing.” 

Forget about the universe, we have not yet made any progress in studies with respect to our own “unconscious mind,” and has not fully understood “subconscious mind,” which are presumably inside us. 

I am not denying anything said in the book. But, the way things are described in the book are too boring to read. Repeating same sentences until you feel sleepy, until you start asking yourself, “What’s the requirement of 198 pages to repeat the same thing?”

It was too tedious a task for me to complete the book. 

Maybe Oprah Winfrey show was the real reason for the huge sale of the book, not the quality. The thought, “how can I say the book is bad, if a personality like Oprah Winfrey is endorsing it?” may be the reason for the sale of the book.  

Or perhaps the real reason is “Law of Attraction.”
I am not recommending it.
By the way, who am I to recommend, once Oprah had recommended it?

Pros:   Timely delivery by Amazon. 

Cons:  Too monotonous. 

Rating:     2/5

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