Monday, February 29, 2016

Embrace those Magic Moments

It has been told many a time that “each moment has a magic in it.” You only need to have the “eyes.” It is not a superficial statement at all. 

It’s a reality.

Most of the time we are stuck in our bitter past that we miss the magic. The heavy load of past pull us back from growth. The sad part is bad memories overpower the pleasant things that had happened in our life. 

Life is all about this, very, moment. Neither the days that passed nor the days to come. Past and future, both are myths. That’s why it is said that “present is the present.”

How many of us would like to eat days old food?

We love eating fresh, warm, food. When such is the case with physical, tangible, thing why we cling on to a mythical past. Why do we keep on chewing the waste of past? And what pleasure that gives you. Just break you internally. Stop you from progressing.

The burden of past will be the biggest, and only, impediment in your moving forward. 

I agree that some of the incidents from the past may have affected you negatively. It may have changed the course of your life. You may not have become as you hoped. But, believe me, it has not destroyed you.

Nothing can destroy you unless you allow it to.

Once you permit the negativity to seep into your heart, it will occupy most of the space and force the creativity out. It will start controlling your thoughts. And ultimately you will be scared to attempt anything new.
You will not be successful even if you amass all your courage and go ahead with your passion.

But, why?

Since the fear has entered your subconscious mind, it has the control on everything you do. Everything you think. Unfortunately, your conscious mind is not strong enough to recognise it. 

Then, there is a solution to every problem.

I consider that solution came before problem. Hence, there is a solution to every problem. You only have to calm down, take a long breath and look around. Think.

You have to start with a conscious effort. ‘It’s just past. It cannot destroy me,” you must repeat it to yourself every time the bad memories enter your mind.  Initially it may be tough. The bad memories would be stronger than your optimism.

That will be the case for a few days. Only. 

Then, slowly, and surely, you will be strong enough to walk forward. To a successful destiny. In no time, the magic would become a reality. You will grow to the level that nothing can stop you from winning. Key is in capturing the magic moments and holding those close to your heart. 
Capture. Create. Conquer.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Hates Off

Get rid of hatred. 

One of the most important traits you must practice while preparing yourself for the achievement. 

“Hates off,’ I would rather say.

Hate is (one of) the most destructive feeling one can possess. It will not deliver you any result. Instead, strangle your soul and rip you off from imagination and hope. Hatred has the ability to destroy your inner peace. It will tire you even though you are sitting idle.

Eventually, you are hammering yourself to destruction!

There are people who constantly think of ways to put the other person in trouble. The sadistic pleasure rejoices them. They are futilely spending the space of their brain, for others’ destruction. Their brain molded in such a way that the momentarily pleasure satiates their ego. 

And what’s the end result?

Their life continues as it was. Without any soulful music. Without any kind of change. How can the things happening in others’ life have any effect on your life? 

Try to divert at least ten percent of the energy, you spent to nurture hatred, on positive things. You will find a tangible change in your life. Hatred and success do not go hand in hand. Your brain cannot carry too many luggage. It only carries what is considered essential. It’s your choice to drop either.   

After all, you are responsible for your luggage.

As you know, it’s your life and none else can live it for you. They may walk along. But, you are the only person to shape the life and brighten your prospects. So, don’t decide to be a scumbag. 

Yes, I mean it.
Don’t. Be. A. Scumbag.

And you think such people are accepted in society. Definitely, no. Who wants scumbags in their friend circle? They’ll just shrug you off. 

Walking the path with a fake smile pasted on the face is not life. It’s about loving, being loved, and walking together. Make it a point to cleanse your heart off hatred. At least partially, if not fully. It will relieve your stress and relax your brain. 

“Hates Off.” Repeat the mantra in your heart. 

Love. Laugh. Live.

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Look up at the Ceiling.

Don’t get confused with the heading. I am not saying about your rooftop, but the ceiling of the world. 


Since you have decided to conquer the world, there are lot many things you need to understand. The universe is filled with hell lot of secrets. We human beings have not succeeded in decrypting even one percent of that. 

I would rather say we have not understood the universe at all.

Scientists are not yet sure, whether the universe is expanding or contracting. The studies are still on, but don’t expect any result in near future. Leave apart that, the theories on which we have defined the existence of universe, everything that happen around, are not perfect at all.

The universe doesn't allow perfection, as Stephen Hawking, the greatest scientist alive today, put in his book “A brief History of Time.” 

I have heard people saying that they will not believe those things, which are not proved. They simply say that those things should happen either in front of their own eyes or proven with scientific theories. I know I would be kicking up a storm if I say they are the biggest fools.

If a thing has not been proved, it doesn’t mean that the thing does not exist. Perhaps, humankind has not developed the apparatus to prove its existence/non-existence.

No, I am not promoting superstition here.

Only trying to say that the universe possess immense power. To repay for the hard work you put. Everything started with mere imagination. Man imagined, worked towards it and achieved the, desired, result.
Hence, the first, and foremost, step is imagination. 

That takes me back to the title, “Look at the ceiling.” The best way to look into yourself is to look at the nature. Think what you want to become. Ask the question to the universe. It has the answer to every question you ask. 

All the great people lived on earth did the very thing. They sought everything from the universe. And were rewarded with greatness.
Seek. And you shall get it. 

It doesn’t mean that you have to sit hours, days and months in loneliness, seeking. You only have to be present in the present.

 Be alive. 

Enjoy the beauty of the wild, wide, ocean. Look up at the sky, stars, and the endless horizon. Relish each drop of air that goes inside you. Reminisce.

Breathe. Believe. Build.

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