Friday, April 24, 2020

Life During COVID-19

COVID-19 pandemic has affected our lives in many ways. We have been forced to remain locked in our homes. Most of the firms have directed their employees to continue work from home. Those who cannot do that are planning to resume the business once the COVID-19 lockdown is withdrawn. The point to remember here is that we have to be cautious and take all the necessary precautions even after the lockdown period. Government is deciding the withdrawal, not the Coronavirus! Life during the COVID-19 lockdown period may be stressful. We may fall melancholic thinking about the uncertainty surrounding the future.

However, human life is precious and we should not be wasting our moments worrying about the disease. This time is to contemplate, rejuvenate and resurge when the right time arrives. We will be discussing the methods to keep us motivated that will enable us to perform the best after the COVID-19 pandemic subsides.    

Your Reaction is what matters

We all are human beings with a unique point of views, perceptions and thought process. Therefore, we react to each situation in our own manner. The fear of COVID-19 can make some people nervous, affecting their sleep and daily chores. It can make some unreasonably angry with everyone around. The psychological condition may also lead to physical ailments or health issues. 

Always remember that the way you react to a situation is what registers in your mind. Your reaction will affect you more than it affects others. The implications of a stronger reaction will reflect on your body and health. Understanding that, deliberate attempts must be made by you to control the emotions. Occasional outbursts are okay, but frequent reactions are clear no. 

As you know, your inner feelings will be evident on your face. You are sad, angry or happy, others will be able to read it from your face. The thing you might not have realised is that it can happen vice versa too. I.e. try to smile even if you do not feel so. Smile, without any reason, when you get up in the morning. You will realise that the feeling is seeping into your psyche unknowingly. Studies indicate that by generating the facial expressions (in this case, smile) the mind could be lead to the same feeling.

Smile, when you turn anxious, angry or sad. It may be difficult initially. But you can develop it with practice. This habit will help you not only during COVID-19 period but during later life also.

Reduce Media

Media is always known for “fear marketing”. They follow the same method since ages. This does not mean that COVID-19 is not a serious issue. Of course, it is. However, the newspapers and visual media will be sending out reports of deaths and an increasing number of patients. It will speak as if the pandemic has reached our doorstep. 

Avoid watching news channels and reading newspapers too much. It will only add to your worry. You need to understand that there are lakhs of doctors and health workers working day in and day out to contain the pandemic. Hope about a better tomorrow is the driving force to them. We can be hopeful that the efficient doctors will be able to win the battle and the researchers will invent a vaccine for COVID-19. 

Healthy Food habits

Eat healthily. It will rejuvenate your body. Try to include more fruits that can improve your resistance. Drink more water. Avoid alcohol and drugs. Some recent researches indicate that Nicotine can resist Coronavirus (However, it is not proven yet). Nonetheless, that does not mean that you turn chain smoker overnight.  


Spend some time to work out. You need not go out to exercise. You can use your terrace or a room to do some sit-ups, push-ups etc. Our aim is to sweat out. It will relax both your body and mind. 

Practising Yoga is also good. If you don't know the asana, you can watch it on YouTube and follow it. Yoga is one of the best ways to improve mental and physical strength sitting inside your home. 

Practice Pranayama. It is an Indian breath controlling technique, proven to improve resistance and health. After all, life is the result of inhaling and exhaling only. 

Observe Your Children 

Your anxiety may affect the children too. You need to monitor them for any mood swings or worries. Talk with them whenever possible, even if they do not show any kind of nervousness. Reassure them that everything is going to be all right and they are safe. Avoid watching news channels that show death toll or rise in number patients, with them. 

Talk to Friends

Continue the communication with your friends, colleagues and relatives. Remain in touch through WhatsApp, Facebook, eMail or phone call. It will give us an inner feeling that we are not alone. It will strengthen our mind to fight the battle. 

Let us hope for the best. Hope is what has been guiding human beings since time immemorial!

If you are into business, this article will help you in planning your business-related activities during and after COVID-19

Shine Syamaladevi is the author of Those Naked lies and The Ribbon Trap

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