Saturday, May 14, 2016

Which philosophy should one follow in life?

"One is never be satisfied with what you have." By this, one feel motivated to work hard and earn more. Buy luxuries, travel the world, stay in luxurious hotels etc. 

The Other philosophy is "be happy with what you have." If I'm happy with what I have, why should I work hard? Rather I should stay in peace!!

Tricky, isn’t it??

Of course, both cannot be followed simultaneously. To derive the right path, you need to define life first.

What is life?

It is definitely not breathing, eating, sleeping and dying one day. It has more meaning to it. If you follow the latter (being content with what you have), your life turns idle. A standstill. There is no growth. No moving forward. No change in routine. Nothing to look forward.

The only change you encounter would be the physical changes due to aging. 

Will you call it life? Definitely, not.

Let us consider the former part.

We must move forward in life. It is not about competing with one another and winning. It's about broadening our perspectives, seeing the world around, trying to instill the soul of the universe.

It's not about earning more money, but achieving a wealthy soul. The soul that understands the rhythm of the universe.

We may not understand, but the society, the world around, has performed their part in developing us into what we are today.

Would you like to leave the world with that debt in pocket?

You should not.

When the society has played their part in constructing us, we must also do something for them. Something that they would ever remember. Something that can have a positive effect. Something that would etch our name in the hearts of people. 

Therefore, you should never be content with what you have, but strive for excellence in whatever field you are. You should never compete with anyone. Competing with others is WRONG. 

You compete with your inner-self. And you would turn into a great achiever eventually. 

It is not about defeating others, but winning our soul.

It is not about earning more wealth, but putting that wealth for the right cause.  

It’s about living your LIFE.

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